Tuesday, February 11, 2014

How I cut my Cell phone Bill by 75%

Sign up for TING, use wifi, save mad money!

If you need to regain some positive cash flow here are some tips on how to free yourself from looking like Marley and Marley on the Muppets Christmas Carol:

1) Seriously.....I mean Seriously consider how important you are and who really needs to contact you. (If your employer pays for your phone, consider yourself lucky and still put it away when your eating dinner and playing at the park with your kids. I'm looking at you guy checking ESPN)

2) Repeat step 1 a couple more times, ask your roommates, spouse, dog, etc to chime in as well.

3) If Verizon is the best service in your area and you talk a lot and don't have a smart phone switch to Page Plus Wireless; the same service just $30 per month ( 1200 talk 3000 texts).
(The great people at Kitty Wireless can help you out: kittywireless.com)

5) If you aren't a big talker and/or need a smartphone get TING. I don't mean next year or something, I mean NOW! You have no excuse. This took me 3 days: Buy a used iPhone 4 on Craigslist or Ebay. Sign up for Ting and use the referral link https://ztnhg12p5o3.ting.com/ and get $50 free credit! Everyone you get to signup nets you $25.

5a)If you have a smart phone and are already paying for the internet at home, sign up for a free google voice number to text from and get the Talkatone App to make calls.

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