Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Proverbs Reflection Day 5 - The Grass is Always Greener

Chapter 19:20-21
20Listen to counsel and receive instruction, that you may eventually become wise.
21Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the decision of the LORD that endures

In "The Golden Counsels", his collection of sayings, thoughts and advice, St. Francis Desales gives one of the greatest pieces of wisdom that I have heard.

His thought cam be summed up as such: The devil wants you to go to a hundred golden roads, each one more alluring and "perfect" than the next, reach the mid way point, get bored and turn back and start over. God just wants you to go down one road with your whole heart all the the way to the end.

In this day and age of instant technology and a deluge of media, advice, and choices, life can be overwhelming. Even something as simple as buying food brings a myriad of thousands of items in the grocery isles and hundreds of eat this, not that recommendations.

There is something to be said for long suffering, perserverance and setting goals in this age. People has always been distracted by shiny object syndrome, but I think it is a significant deterrent on those trying to do the right thing and live servant hearted lives now a days. The sheer ease of gathering information and the speed at which you can make changes in your life is both grand and terrifying.

I have often lamented to my wife than many people our age (millenials) seem very discontent with life and are flying from one thing to the next to the next, just because they can easily. 

My challenge for the day is look at a situation, challenge or blessing that has been placed in my life and see how I can see it through to the end, or at least to a short or medium term goal.

As they say, the grass is always greener on the other side. Let us be thankful for the grass we have to mow today!

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