Monday, February 24, 2014

Proverbs Reflections Chapter 24: Knowledge is Power!

Chapter 24:3-5

3By wisdom a house is built,
by understanding it is established;
4And by knowledge its rooms are filled
with every precious and pleasing possession.
5The wise are more powerful than the strong,
and the learned, than the mighty.

Instead of indulging another guilty pleasure of Downtown Abbey or Dancing with the Stars, why not use that time for the pursuit of wisdom and knowledge?

If you simply must watch some shows, perhaps cross just one weekly show off the list and use that time to learning something new or old, or improve upon your skill set in a given area. Bring out that old hobby you had way back when (woodworking, canning, guitar, Spanish, knitting, etc.) and brainstorm how you can use it to bless others.

Some suggestions are:

1) Study for a certification for your job or a future career.
2) Read a book on Healthy Cooking or Eating
3) Read a book on Personal Finance ( "Your Money or Your Life" or "The Richest Man in Babylon")
4) Read a biography of a great person or story from history.
5) Learn a new skill: Homesteading, Computers, Language, Instrument, etc.

Perhaps think of some knowledge that you could use to bless others in your family or neighborhood and learn it with a goal of becoming proficient in 6 months and then using the time you set aside to put your skill to work.

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