Thursday, February 20, 2014

Proverbs Reflection Day 6 - A Grudge is Not Worth It

Chapter 20:3

3A person gains honor by avoiding strife,
while every fool starts a quarrel.

Can anyone add one minute to their life by being angry or holding a grudge. Just anger is one thing and should be remedied, however the little things that cause us to flip out and get bent out of joint are not worthy of just anger.

Just anger should be directed at something worthy of our time and of grave matter. It should also be something within our control or something we can take one step of action towards.

Most often in dealing with people, praying for them and not letting emotions dictate your decisions is the best way to go.

I recently heard that someone  was withholding his children from seeing their grandfather over a trivial matter. Of course inside the situation, it may not seem trivial, but we need to rise above ourselves and our pride.

The next time a person offends you take the following steps:

1) Say a prayer for them
2) Decide if the action even deserves a response (remember you and they both have dignity)
3) Will your potential solution actually bring about the change you wish?
4) When you are at their funeral or hear that they have died, will you be glad for the anger and grudge that you had against them?

Remember do not let the sun go down on your anger and seeking reparation for the offenses that you have caused others.

"Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us"

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